Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Easy, Healthy Kids Snacks & Desserts

Thinking of the song "I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas..." Stuck in your head now?

Kids are home. Here are some healthy and affordable ideas.

Buy some berries, apples and bananas in bulk at local produce store (or buy local at Farmer's Market if they're from your area) or on sale and get store brand peanut butter, honey and chocolate chips.


-Bananas & Honey (thanks to my neighbor for this one, my daughter came home asking for it) Simply cut up the bananas, drizzle with honey and eat! Get that potassium in your kids plus honey is a great natural sweetener and also a natural throat and cough healer.

-Apples & Peanut Butter - Another no-brainer. Slice up apples and dip in peanut butter. Keep the doctor away with vitamins and protein.


-Bananas or berries dipped in chocloate - Soooo good & sneaks in healthy fruit! Don't pay for chocolate syrup. Buy store brand chocolate chips and melt them down in the microwave. Do 45 second incriments and stir in between until it's nice and goey and ready for dipping.

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